I am a to-do list person. I like to have tasks and cross them off once accomplished. I used to write them down and cross them off but I didn’t like having the paper on my desk so now I type them up and write “DONE” next to the item when it is finished.
The to-do list helps me to focus and accomplish what I feel must be accomplished that day or week. Having said that, there are some problems with the to-do list.
A). There are always those pesky tasks which never get done but stay on the to-do list because they need to get done. They are just not a priority.
B). The flow of everyday life often interrupts the to-do list. One needs to be flexible to allow for distractions and other plans to overcome the the list.
C). It can really screw things up when you forget to put something on the list. Sometimes you think you know what you are supposed to do that day, but that is not really what you are supposed to do that day and therefore… you haven’t written it down. Other times, you simply forgot to write something down.
The to-do list isn’t for everyone. Some people do not need them to focus. In fact, sometimes it is just to give me a sense of control over my schedule… which can be a good and bad thing. Oh… we are not ignorant of the devices of the list. That little list that hangs over your head and wishes defeat upon you in your conquest of crossing off continual conquerings within your concave of time. The to-do list seems like a simple written “nothing”, but once life is breathed into it, it becomes a monster. Much like many humans.
Woa, where did that come from Tim. I do not know. Well, I do know, but I am not going to tell you.
So back to it now, back to it. What to do about the to-do list. For those who have never used a to-do list I recommend starting slowly and using a pen and paper. Only start with a few items and do not go overboard (No need to schedule your frequent trips to the bathroom). For the experienced to-do lister, I recommend having an overview of the list going on a weekly basis and do daily updates and weekly cleanups. Also, I would recommend maintaining a flexible and adaptable disposition to the list. Many times things will need to be shifted, rifted, and deleted.
Do not get discouraged in the game. As my friend Allie has termed it “Russian Tasklette”.
Thanks for playing.