I am a handy dude and I like to be handy, it has been a source of income for most of my life. I like to give the gift of handiness, if you will, to my friends, this is because handiness is more attractive than money or even looks. Don’t believe me? Well, I have some examples. Chicks dig the rugged look i.e. the rough beard, muscular arms, and the smell of oak on a man. Not all women, but you know who you are. Being handy is like being wealthy, but you can store all of your wealth in your head or hands. Going out to the wild and cutting down a tree and then building a house, followed by killing your own dinner while making your own clothes – that can be much more valuable than money.
What if the world was to end? What would be more useful? That’s right, a man who could kill with his hands! I knew you would choose the right one, because you too are handy.
Being handy will increase your confidence, muscle size, increase your appetite, help you sleep better at night, make you more attractive, and give you the extra money to take out your new found lady friend. I am not just a writer but a client also, you see it wasn’t long ago that I was a dude just getting by on my own with no foreknowlege of handiness. I soon learned how to cut down trees, fix engines, build a house or shed, mow lawns, kill with my hands and most of all grill my own meat. Now, I have to build something to beat these girls off with, they love the handiness.
“If the women don’t find you handsome they had better find you handy!” Words of wisdom from your friends at the not so underrated Red Green Show!
I’ve built something, by me, about me, and for people who want to be like me. Now go build something!