As men, there are few things that make us look more manly. The list is small, but you can count on one thing, cutting down a tree is in the top three things, right above splitting wood and just below fighting back a would be assailant.

Cutting down a tree is a huge undertaking and must be done with much care and planning, but once this is done, let the testostrone fly, and fly it shall… like a plane!

You will start with a chain saw and a rope, with one man in the tree, one man on the rope, and another man cutting up what has fallen. Once you have started this job, you will notice that you have a crowd of onlookers, these are people that think you are nuts, but some of them (always women) think you are brave. No doubt a lesser man would not want to do it, but you are not lesser, you are greater. SO take off your shirt and let the musk of a real man fill the nostrils of the onlookers.

You will want to be sober in this process and always looking out for each other because it is still dangerous. If you cut your own foot off or your buddy drops a branch on your head, then you will look like an idiot. This is one of the downsides to looking like a man’s man. You are a hero if you do it, but a danger to all mankind if you make even one mistake.

In case you are wondering, here is a list of things that make you look (keyword: look) like MAN!:

10) Shaving with a dull razor

9) Using your shirt to stop the bleeding or to fix a leaky car of an estranged woman

8 ) Helping an estranged women

7) Killing your own food

6) Cleaning your own food

5) Building a fire with a leather belt, lint, and a wet log to cook the food you killed

4) Splitting wood

3) Cutting down a tree

2) Fighting a would be assailant

1) Fighting the would be assailant, thereby saving the estranged woman with the dull razor you were using to clean the meat of the animal that you killed. Then cooking the meat over a fire you built with the leather belt, lint and a split log from the tree you cut down… all while your shirt is stopping the bleeding on the estranged woman’s cheek from the wild animal you just killed.