Today‚Äôs best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below. It’s a gray rainy day here in Nashville today, do you think spring is just being shy or just likes hiding around corners? I am not sure, but I’m about to go around the corner, grab spring by the neck, walk back around to my side of the corner and then tie her to a tree by my house.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “is against picketing; she just doesn’t know how to show it.” – (This is classic, I may use this status later myself.)
2.) “… TOMORROW.” – (It’s only a day away…but will I love you?)
3.) “needs a stronger cup of coffee!” – (You just need to give it a better workout, it will get stronger.)
4.) “cannot wait for FriDAY to be over and FriNIGHT to begin.” – (We should call each day that way, SaturDAY and SaturNIGHT, SunDAY and SunNIGHT…wait SunNIGHT should actually be MoonNIGHT.)
5.) “just backed up my entire computer on my detachable hard drive!!” – (Wait, the files are in the computer!?!?!)
6.) “is Fitter Happier.” – (Be glad you are not Fatter Sadder.)
7.) “was kicking a box down the street. When asked what he was doing, he replied ‘moving.'” – (I would have said “I’m just kickin’ it.”)
8.) “is chewing her coffee this morning, thanks to Bill.” – (Bill’s got some beans!!! That or some coffee-flavored gum. :))
9.) “is wondering why spring peaked it’s head around the corner and then went running for it’s life. :(.” – (Spring is such a scaredy cat I tell you!)
10.) “back in the U.S. of A.” – (Good thing you didn’t go to the U.S. of B. again.)

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