You’re only as young as you feel… Right?! Well I think you are only as young as you look. But it’s unfortunate that I am not winning either argument. I mean, I am not feeling 30 and I definetly don’t look it! Well, at least I don’t think so, no matter what people say.
30 isn’t so bad, I have made my peace with it. You hear things like “you’re over the hill” and “I think I see gray in your hair”. It’s all quite silly because I fear boring birthdays over old age any day. Boring birthdays and boring birthday parties are the real problem. At 30 I have had every kind of party known to man.
The surprise party: this was exciting for all of about 3 minutes. I mean really? I knew there was something going on, either everyone was going crazy being nice to me for no appearent reason or I was having a surprise party. If you really want to surprise a person try having a birthday party 6 months before the birthday.
Birthday dinner party: a little less exciting but way more fun. At least at this party your gift is a nice juicy steak and not a half assed yell, “surprise”. My 29th birthday was by far the best birthday dinner ever, the only thing that could have made it better would be not paying for it myself.
Birthday get-together: this is code for no pressure (= no gifts) party where everyone brings something to eat. This is fun and if you have the right people it can turn into a night of laughter and simple pleasures like bonfires and cornholes.
So this birthday will probably be the get-together, but with my parents. This won’t change things too much but it will limit one of the most famous gifts of all, beer. No worries, I don’t need a beer to have a good time, but it will help especially if my parents are there. Your only 30 once… unless you are a woman, then you are 30 till everyone stops believing it.