I have a few issues with the run for the presidency this time around… one of which is having a person I can get excited about running. Barack and McCain look like your typical politicians, although they differ on policy I feel like they are very similar in that respect. I see Obama as someone making me promises he doesn’t intend on keeping just to get in office and without respect for the position (much like Clinton). McCain seems like he would treat the position of president with respect and maybe even be good at it, but if he is such a maverick why have I not seen anything change before now because of him.
With all of this comes the total disconnect with me as a voter, but that has all changed thanks to Sarah Palin. This woman excites me because my first impression of her is “real”. I feel like I already know her. She reminds me of my mother-in-law which despite her overwhelming love for soccer I respect her greatly.
Sarah Palin has changed this election and I will tell you why,
1) she has more experience than Obama and she can stand up for herself when given the chance.
2) she is a great speaker and out does both canidates in this race
3) she seems like a real maverick with a backround to prove it.
4) she has chosen people to serve with her based on their character, not their party affiliation.
5) she is smart, and well put together
5.5) she is hot! (I guess this is the sexist in me coming out)
That fact that she hasn’t been around D.C and beltway politics is a good thing. She was mayor of Wasila, Alaska and she defeated an incumbent to get there. Then she won the governor’s office and beat an incumbent of her own party. She was in charge of the Alaska National Guard. She turned in the chairman of her own party for shady dealings and got him fined 12 g’s. She is a lifelong NRA member, snowmobiler, and she has hunted moose… SO Sarah Palin for president!
No really.  She has united the people, both conservatives and republicans, because we are not the same. I feel like I can vote for McCain because he just proved that he can make good decisions. Maybe now we can see a real woman, in a very respectable position, lead with integrity and understanding, and not just with emotions. I didn’t see this coming, but I am glad it has, and will continue to watch her closely for obvious reasons and see if this really is going to be a worthy team to lead this great country that others, including G.W., have made it!
Now go and vote… or at least have an educated opinion.
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I know… she makes me want to vote for the ticket (which is the point)… but I just can't. I think she is more man than all of them and I mean that in the best possible way. If only the ticket could be reversed… it's kind of ironic the republicans nominate the first woman VP.
I don't think it will be that hard to make the right choice but thats for me. I am excited and am really not thinking alot about McCain.
great article, terry. i agree. palin has my vote….btw, where is the “pooh” article?
How could you not think about McCain.. he is the one running for president.
AMEN to this!!!!
Unfortunately we have reduced our politics to a speech, slogan, smile and look on camera. McCain could have picked a more experienced woman if he was trying to upside the Dems. and Hillary, but he picked someone who has very little political experience especially in Washington. McCain must have really believed that he could not win with out sometype of wild card pick for VP.
He knew that he had to pull in the conservative right and also someone who made him look good on camera. I think Palin makes a great local and state leader and probably Barack as well. but the stakes and stage are far different in the White House than the Govenors mansion or in Congress for a short term. Barack/Biden or McCain/ Palin who has the better eye candy.
I agree with you.. it has become too much about polish and eye candy. They need the polish with the truth and experience. Although… I am glad Palin doesn't have too much experience in beltway politics…
Regardless of her track record I see someone who represents the people. I'm tired of usual politics I know McCain has been in the Senate since the Regan campaign but don't like Obama's CHANGE???? speech. The only change I see is someone other than a Republican in the office. People like George Soros don't need to run this country. The change that Obama is talking about is more tax, more government, and less military.
Regardless of her track record I see someone who represents the people. I'm tired of usual politics I know McCain has been in the Senate since the Regan campaign but don't like Obama's CHANGE???? speech. The only change I see is someone other than a Republican in the office. People like George Soros don't need to run this country. The change that Obama is talking about is more tax, more government, and less military.