It’s never too late to do some learning. That’s what I always say, that is why I went back to school and became a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist. There is always more learning to be done. When I told my son that he would have to learn how to play football he cried. I waited for about a year and told him that he needed to take piano lessons before he could get a drum set. He was so excited and now after his first lesson he says “daddy, I love piano!” Really? Why not football first? Oh well, this is technically cheaper and he could become smarter instead of getting injured.
I want him to learn lots of instruments, but piano must be first. Why? I am glad you asked…. Because it takes more work. Doubt that? Then, Mr. Smarty pants you try it. Either way, this is the order of play when it comes to instruments in our house.
-Bass (by this time it will be cake)
When it comes to sports, there is a list that must be followed whether he likes it or not.
-Water polo
-Field hockey
-Frisbee golf
-Competitive swimming
…..maybe soccer, but not if I can help it.
There is always a list, even when you think there is no list, there is always a list. If you doubt this, ask your wife or any respectable woman, she will tell you. So fellahs, you learn to play the piano and suddenly the women won’t be so hard to figure out. Just play one note on the piano and suddenly she is fixed!