Weather is awesome! I love it and I am intrigued by it and I want to know more about it. One thing that I know about weather is no matter who you talk to about the weather, even if they read the same weather report as you did, they will always interpret it differently than you did. It’s quite funny to some people, but I kind of get edgy about it. Not angry, but just a little bit cranky. I think it is because I consider myself a weather buff and am always checking my forecasting ability.
I firmly believe that you need to know weather in order to know how to listen to the weather. The keys are in the words of the forecasters. Reading the weather can be as hard as the forecasting of it, it all depends on the meteorologist.
I think weather is a lot like women… the only thing consistent about them both is that they are always changing. You can’t count on the weather though… well, there is yet another similarity between the two, uh. Well, one thing’s for sure, the weather can be hot and nasty and cold and beautiful… really, I can’t help it, they are a lot alike. Maybe that’s why we can never get it right… because it’s like trying to predict a woman.
I am stopping here, before lightning strikes.

Thats going to be my new line -“I like my women like I like my weather. Hot and nasty”-
…I like my women like i like my rum…aged fourteen years and mixed up in coke.
I like my women like I like my weather… most always pleasant, bright, radiant, and with some nice cloud action thrown in.
i like my women like my weather… preferably not in a tempest
Yup ! weather is a lot like women‚Ķ….never get it right to predict a woman‚Ķ : )