So here you are… you are in the car, but your not far, far from your… car? Never mind, I am done rhyming and I mean it! Does anybody want a peanut?
Ok, seriously… let’s talk about all you dudes out there picking your noses. One day last week I slowly rolled up to a stoplight at a busy intersection and much to my surprise it was busier than I could have ever hoped.
I saw a dude getting busy on his nose, digging for something. Maybe he lost his keys or accidentally snorted his cell phone. Whatever it was, he was intent on finding it and when he finally did, not only was it not pretty, but it definitely got studied. It was like he was checking to see if it had a name or a date stamp on it, like a “best if removed by 11/7/09” sticker was there ready for reading. After he looked it over for about a minute my light turned green, as did his finger with that monster booger on it. I am still wondering what he did with that monster after he looked it over.¬†
Why… you ask, did I wonder what he did with it? Because us men, as much as I hate to admit it, start stuff like this with out being fully prepared for the consequences. Do you want some examples? Well, here they are anyway:
-picking your nose with nothing to wipe your grossness on
-consuming great quantities of mexican food before heading out on a road trip
-drinking 2 cups of coffee when one will do just fine, then going to that 2 hour meeting where you proceed to pee 3 times that hour.
-looking before you sit in a local port-o-potty or stall
It just another thing that we do without thinking that we will have an issue finishing. Like our lives aren’t complicated enough, right? I bet you could think of some other things we men do that are just, well… unprepared for.
So is this about picking your nose or about wondering what to do when you find something you didn’t know you were searching for? You be the judge! But please note the life lesson here, if you are searching for something make sure you want to find it. Or you will be just another dude at a stop light with green on his finger.