One thing I have noticed after living in Nashville for almost 2 years is that it definitely rains more frequently here than it did in Ohio (where I moved from). While there are pros and cons to having more frequent rainfall one thing is true, more rain = faster growing grass = the lawn needs mowed more frequently = our house usually sits in the middle of a jungle.
Now I wouldn’t have a problem cutting the grass a bit more often but there are a few things that make it rather difficult:
1.) Our mower sucks and the automatic system decided to stop working and spending a bunch of money to fix this is not too high on our list of things to fund at the moment.
2.) We have a fairly large yard off of a fairly busy street so we get a fair amount of trash tossed into our yard. It’s not fair! We usually have to pick up a bunch of junk in our yard before mowing the grass but occasional we miss a beer bottle or aluminum can which makes an unpleasant sound when getting run over.
3.) There is a pretty steep hill close to the fairly busy street in front of our house and so it’s really hard to prevent yourself from slipping on your butt when pulling the mower up this hill, having wet grass makes this almost impossible to avoid unless you are wearing cleats. Did I mention that the automatic system on our mower doesn’t work? Yeah, well that’s broken.
All of the above factors usually make what should be a 1-1.5 hour job more like a 3-3.5 hour job for 1 person. So you can see that mowing our yard could be used as a form of torture in the Bahamas.
So if you’re are in a situation like me here are a few potentially helpful tips:
1.) If you live with another strapping young man or woman or have several capable lawn mowers (I’m not assuming you are of Mexican decent like I am either) in your home, get on a mowing schedule so that you only have to go thru the torture once or twice a month. If you live alone, sorry about your luck. Remember it will be easier to cut the lawn when it is 6 inches tall instead of when it is over a foot tall like ours often is.
2.) Actually, if you live alone and can afford to hire an experienced landscaper (who probably is Mexican like me) then do that! And I am not sorry about your luck.
3.) Buy a new mower.
4.) Put in astroturf.
That’s all I got.