Easy, easy, easy. So you have cold feet and are afraid of going through with it or you have hot feet and are pushing too hastily. Easy, wear your socks half on and half off. That way your feet are not too hot or too cold.
Sometimes it seems like my feet need to breathe. Do you ever have that feeling? At the same time my toes might be a little cold. Therefore my socks come half off and that way my heel can get some air while my toes can remain covered. Hey it works.
The strange thing is that my feet are rarely lukewarm. Isn’t it strange that feet can be both hot and cold? Sometimes my feet feel hot on the inside… probably because of the blood… and cold on the outside… probably because of the temperature of my room. Maybe I am imagining all of this. Maybe it is all just a deep and meaningful metaphor. Maybe you have cold feet and need to put your socks half on. Maybe you have hot feet and need to take your socks half off. Too many maybes.
Let’s be honest. Having a heater or an air conditioner is better than socks.
Metaphorically speaking… and literally speaking. Do you catch my drift? Are you speaking?