So you have a free night and you need to know what to do about it. Well… let’s start by defining what a ‘free night’ is. For the purpose of this article a free night is a night when you have no other plans, obligations, or engagements with anyone or anything. Sure you may have some things on the to-do list (or you should), but they are not pressing things and essentially you are king of the county… or queen of the castle for the night.
So what to do about your free night. Well, if you are Terry then you will probably stay at home and pick the lint out of your belly button while reading articles and commenting on BUT, you are not Terry and your belly button is clean.
There are three main types of people when dealing with a free night:
1) The AAAAHHHH what am I going to do? people. For these people having a free night may just be a terrible thing. I mean seriously, you have to have something to do and someone to talk to and someone to talk at you. You are going to drive yourself crazy with this free night what to do, what to do… aaaaaaaaaaaahhh. These people end up calling someone to fill the previously free night.
2) The AAAAHHHH there are so many things I can do. people. For these people the situation looks completely different. Most likely they are constantly on the go (like the above mentioned people) but when they get a free night they get all excited and their mind keeps thinking through all of the possible things that they can do with this gift of free time. They are the type who thinks of the reading they can catch up on, that movie they have been meaning to watch, that food they can make, or that painting they can paint.
3) And the aaaahhhh I am not gonna do a dang thing. people. Hellooo belly button lint.
Regardless which of the three people you are (or any mix of them), just by realizing the different types of responses you can better prepare for your free night escapades. SEE… makes you aware so that you can prepare.
A free night is really a blessing. It really is. Really, it is. Maybe you don’t see it that way because all of your friends got together and went to Italy… and they left you at home… that was the worst I could think of. The thing is, even that wouldn’t bother me. I just see it as free time for me. Maybe I am contented easily… I mean, I like to read. Maybe I don’t get offended easily, I mean, do what you are gonna do and I am gonna do what I do, the way I’ve done it and the way I’ll do it, doing what I do. Maybe I am just odd, I mean who cares if I love Italy and all my friends went. I will go, I am planning on it. Oh yeah, I have already been. Well, I am still planning on it again. Or maybe I have really good friends. Cause let’s be honest we don’t want to have too many free nights to ourselves. We want friends and therefore must show ourself to be friendly. But that’s an entirely different article.
Where was I? OH yeah, my friends all went to Italy for the weekend and left me with free nights. Well, you certainly shouldn’t be bored, especially if you have read What To Do About BEING BORED and have successfully planned a boredom bonanza. If you haven’t then don’t talk to me.
I feel like there is something else I want to say and I can’t think of it. You are not supposed to say what I just said and that is precisely why I said it. Are you still reading this?
I think I am a mix of number two and number three… I don’t mind being the “fill-in” for friends who are number one types… I just usually take my cherished free night time which was set aside for doing things at home and help fill the feeling of void that is left by their free night. Yeah, I know, I do what I can. Like I said, we make you aware so that you can prepare!