I believe this article will turn out to be one of the most important What To Do About’s I have ever written. It happens all the time. I will be sitting there thinking about something and I will think ” I just don’t know what to do about it.” That is how this site came about. Me thinking “What should I do about that”. Well, lately, I have been wondering what to do about wahalligans. I think I have finally figured it out so now I am ready to write about it.

What To Do About HAVING A DOG

Well good day! Are you having a good one? You know what they say? If life is handing you lemons make some lemon gelato!

I am having a great day, as a matter of fact, I am having a great week! It’s so great that I decided to celebrate by not leaving the house. This was a good idea till the dog entered my bed at about 8 in the a.m.


I have always been around pets. For example, growing up, we had 30 something cats and maybe 8 different dogs from one time to another. I also spent some time on two different hog farms, stinky sticky and down right filthy hog farms at that. So it was a natural thing to get a dog […]