I have always been around pets. For example, growing up, we had 30 something cats and maybe 8 different dogs from one time to another. I also spent some time on two different hog farms, stinky sticky and down right filthy hog farms at that.
So it was a natural thing to get a dog when my wife and I were married. We decided to get us a rotweiller. Awesome puppy, expensive, but awesome. Then it grew up and started running through my fences, destroying my lawn, ripping my dog ties and my fence right out. We quickly turned into non pet people.
That is until recently. I thought that it might be a good thing for my two young boys to have a couple of kittens… which they love. So I have two cats and two boys and they are both doing fine. My oldest has taken the responsibility pretty well. Well, as well as a four year old can, he does the cat litter and feeds them twice a day.
Things are fine. I have always tolerated cats and this is no different. They are lazy mostly and keep to themselves… if you keep them trained. Well, last week we heard a dog barking outside our house and proceeded to find out what was going on. There was a little dodson outside barking at my son, I told the dog to get out of here and it ran away… till the next day that is. When we got back from church there she was again, barking at us. So went over to her and gave her some water because it was hot and I am a nice guy.
So now we have 2 cats and a dog named biscuit, I like the dog but I will let if go if it wants to. We don’t let it in and it kind of guards the place. Non pet people now with 3 pets, wish me luck.