What To Do About PLAYING WORDS WITH FRIENDS (scrabble)

It’ll make you smarter!

I think I could stop this article right there, but alas, you would all be disappointed that you missed my humor. So I will indulge you in my humor, dry and sometimes misplaced, but humor nonetheless.

There is this game floating around that some of us (you know who you are) are enjoying on a daily basis. If you are not familiar with this game, it’s just like scrabble, only electronic and cooler because it’s on my iphone. This game isn’t a big deal unless you like to spell or in my case, are learning how to spell. So when people say I am addicted I smack them in their face and say NO!

Ok. Not really, but I am not addicted. People that are addicted to things forsake their families, food, and all hygiene. I, on the other hand, consider this game to be bettering my education! Can one be addicted to his education…? Well, I suppose, but if it happens you don’t hear about it very often.

Since I have been playing words with friends I have learned the i comes before e except after c. This newfound knowledge, plus beating someone in a game, can be quite liberating. Liberating from all those things that your mother-in-law said about you… “he’ll never succeed”, “you married a loser”, and “you can’t even spell success“. I’ll show her, I will win several games of words with friends, I will write an article about it, and then after it has been edited by Tim she will see…


I have wanted a watch for a while now, but I don’t really know why. I mean, I have a cell phone and ever since cell phones came out there hasn’t been much need for a watch. The cell phone was soon revolutionized by the iphone and that pretty much made life about 5x’s better. I mean, who really wears watches anyway? Not me… at least not until now.

I wanted a watch primarily because I am a fitness instructor and I needed to see my stop watch, plus I wanted to see my heart rate and I also didn’t want to have to use my bare hand with my iphone. Now when it’s cold I can just flip my wrist and check it out. I don’t have to take my hand out of my gloves for any reason at all, not even to challenge a knight to a dual.


Recently I had an issue with my first generation iPhone, the screen was dead in the middle. It would not respond to my touch and it was really hard to text. This put me into a tight spot… I mean… who has money to replace a $200 phone, your right, not this guy.


Surely you don’t want the iphone? Are we really a culture of technology whores that feed on the next big technological advancement? I think there are more of us out there that are content just having some wireless signal to “borrow” from our neighbors.