I have wanted a watch for a while now, but I don’t really know why. I mean, I have a cell phone and ever since cell phones came out there hasn’t been much need for a watch. The cell phone was soon revolutionized by the iphone and that pretty much made life about 5x’s better. I mean, who really wears watches anyway? Not me… at least not until now.
I wanted a watch primarily because I am a fitness instructor and I needed to see my stop watch, plus I wanted to see my heart rate and I also didn’t want to have to use my bare hand with my iphone. Now when it’s cold I can just flip my wrist and check it out. I don’t have to take my hand out of my gloves for any reason at all, not even to challenge a knight to a dual.
My watch is handy, but it is also cumbersome. It gets snagged on things all the time and the buttons get pushed. This trouble is enough to make me not want it anymore, that and the fact that I can’t stop looking at the watch. Now that I have it I want to know what time it is all the time! It can drive a man crazy, crazy crazy, not just crazy. Who needs to look at their watch that many times?
I have thought about just tattooing a watch on my arm and it would read 5 o’clock. So that I would feel like it’s always the end of the day, or something like that. I know it would never work so I won’t do it, besides that, then I would have to use the iphone for the stop watch again.
Why does one need a watch? Aren’t cell phones the best thing? Watches are used to tell you the time more quickly and maybe that’s all. They are handy, but don’t let there cunning hands mess with your mind. Cell phones are great, but the less you take them out the less chance there is that you will break them, which is always a plus when carrying the iphone.