When I was a young kid I loved sharks, I would often to go the library and pick up a whole stack of books about sharks which I would spend hours reading and looking at the photos. I also loved when there was a National Geographic special on tv that featured sharks. Below are a few different types of sharks you should know about.

1) Great White Shark
This is probably the most popular shark that people generally know or talk about. Mainly because it is a fearsome creature and also known as white death. The great white shark often reaches lengths of more than 20 feet and weighs up to 2.5 tons (5,000 lbs). It is the worlds largest known predatory fish and lives in almost all coastal waters with exception to arctic waters. There are larger amounts of great whites in the coasts off of Australia, California, and South Africa among other areas. This is not a shark I would want to be anywhere near while swimming in the water. I would probably pee in my swimming trunks.

2) Mako Shark
A mako shark is one of the coolest looking sharks in my opinion. It is a very sleek looking fish and one of the fastest sharks in the ocean. There are two types of makos, longfin and shortfin mako sharks, the longfin is the larger of the two. Mako sharks usually grow to an average of 6-10 feet in length and weigh between 400-500 lbs. Mako sharks are usually found in warmer tropical waters. Shortfin makos have been known to reach speeds of over 30 mph and there are reports of them moving at higher bursts of over 45 mph. The shark can also jump over 25 feet in the air.


Have you ever wondered why some professional sports teams have selected certain animals or characters to represent their franchise? Especially with professional football teams…I mean what were they thinking in Cleveland when they decided to name their football team the Cleveland Browns? I mean, what is a Brown, other than a stinky biscuit someone flushes […]