Our site encourages knowledge through irreverent humor. We take a lighthearted look at life… as opposed to a darkhearted look at life. Many times we are just making fun of life. We pride ourselves on the use of everyday occurrences, topics, and issues that real people are dealing with.
We like to laugh, smile, and write‚ so this is a mix of our loves, but in a family friendly non-pornographic way. A site that you and your family can read in the evening after dinner like the old days of sitting around the radio and listening till all hours of the night. Yes, I guess what I am saying is, make What To Do About.com your dessert. It has fewer calories than those other sites and won’t leave you wanting more.
We will make you laugh and cry, often in the same paragraph. Read the epic articles from people you don’t know as well as articles from your favorite artist and personalities. If this site doesn’t deliver emotion such as laughter or crying or hate then you need to put your glasses on and read again. We like to write about all kinds of things with humor and some knowledge, if not for fun, then so that you may find some encouragement no matter where you are from. So don’t take us too seriously but be encouraged and gosh darn it have a good time while you are at it.
About Us Again
This wonderfully prolific website incorporates a vast diversity of thought and opinion from multi-talented individuals brought up from varied backgrounds and life experiences. Much of the information contained within this site is not quite what one might expect to find amidst the current landscape of opinion and commentary that presents itself on the world wide web. Many articles are mere musings that have been transcribed simply to smile at… others may stimulate your deepest pondering. May you continually be regaled with each visit to What To Do About.com as you enjoy the bountiful profusion of information presented to you herein.
About Us Again… Just so you don’t forget… About Us.
What To Do About.com is a website which can be found on the world wide web (also known as the internet). You will find words written by people at What To Do About.com. You can read the words for fun, or to learn, or for any reason really. People that we know write the words that you read at What To Do About.com, we really like these people. You should visit What To Do About.com if you would like to find out what to do about something. If you can not find out what to do about something at What To Do About.com, then we will do our best to do something about it because the whole site is all about telling you what to do about things. Turn your computer on, log on to the world wide web, type a “w”, then another “w”, then another “w”, then a dot (.), then a “w”, then an “h”, then an “a”, then a “t”, then another “t”, then an “o”, then a “d”, then an “o”, then an “a”, then a “b”, then an “o”, then a “u”, then a “t”, then a dot (.), then a “c”, then an “o”, then an “m”, and then you usually push enter and you will be directed to What To Do About.com