You're Welcome
I have found myself telling my clients, after they come in from a day off and tell me that they are still sore, you’re welcome. I have done this so much, and I have seen some great reactions, that I think it is time to share it with the world, or at least 100-300 very special people.

You’re welcome, is the new “that’s what she said”. It goes with everything and it’s family friendly!

You want examples? Well ok then!:

“What smells like hoho’s and feet?”; “you’re welcome”.

“what happened in the toilet?”; “you’re welcome”.

“my head hurts”; “you’re welcome”.

“I need to change my pants”; “you’re welcome”.

I could go on for days and days, but you get the picture!? Once you start, you will not be able to stop, it’ll make you laugh and you will be able to sit right back and watch others not laugh and then start doing it too. In fact, I think that is equally funny, when, after you are made fun of, the very same people find themselves giving into the game. It happened with “that’s what she said”, the “what” game, and now my new obsession: you’re welcome.

Try it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t pay a thing. You’ll find it to be glorious, I hope you fully enjoy yourself and I want to hear all about it.

So go, go now and make people laugh. I charge you to press others with your humor, borrowed as it might be. Do this, for it will greatly benefit… me. You’re welcome.