Every now and then we all have wild ideas. Well, I guess some people do not have wild ideas, but generally the people who do not have any wild ideas are not very interesting people. Can I get a witness?
One of the most important things to remember, when thinking, what to do about wild ideas, is, balance. Balance and discernment are crucial for determining what to do about any sort of wild idea. Maybe, perhaps, you could throw some wisdom in there as well.
Wise wild ideas, that may not seem wise, but that really are wise, are where the action is at. That’s what my grand-pappy used to say. Not really, that is what I say.
Do we really need to clarify what a wild idea is? No, I don’t think so. I mean you know it if it is wild. Sure, ok, fine, it can be wild if it is wild to you, and, in addition, if you do not want to let it be a wild idea if it is wild for someone else, and not for you, that is perfectly fine and dandy by me. Really.
Here are a few things you can do to help clarify your wild idea:
1. Ask yourself some questions regarding your wild ideas, Questions like: Will this hurt someone else if I do it? Will this produce negative effects for years to come? Will there be ice cream involved? Will I actually get to be friends with Terry Barga, or will he be repulsed by my actions? These are just some example questions to ask, feel free to think of more on your own.
2. Tell a trusted friend about your wild idea. Now, first I must counsel you to pick your trusted friend carefully. Also, note what type of person they are. Are they given to wild ideas? Do they have any wild ideas of their own? Will they rain on your parade? Always? Once you determine those kinds of things, you can still ask your trusted friend, and, whether they love your wild idea or not, their response will help you to see your wild idea in better light, whether you take their advice or not.
3. Sleep on it. Do not rush off with your wild idea. It may just whisk you away into a whirlwind of destruction. If, however, it bears out, over several sleeping sessions, to show itself to be an excellent wild idea, with true staying power, you will feel more solidarity in your wild idea-ness. Then you can let it whisk you away into your wonderful world of whimsy.
I’ve got a wild idea…