Well, it finally happened, I let her drive. That’s something I normally do not let her do… along with talking and seeing her friends… not because I am a dictator, but because I love her. Yes, love her. She is great at a lot of things… like taking care of our son and me, cleaning the house, or helping me relax when I get home. The one thing she is not great at is driving… well, at least when I am in the car. I am sure she probably drives fine when I am not around, that is, until my car got wrecked. She is lovely except when she is freaking out while crying and trying to tell me what happened. The mixture is very hard to deal with, but don’t worry about me I will be fine.

I have to say that I am a little bit jealous, I am sure you are wondering what I am jealous of. That’s easy… I wanted to wreck the car… there is something about running your car into something that sounds like fun to me. Like setting off fireworks or burning a couch, and maybe even wrestling a grizzly bear just for the fun of it. I think that it is something that could be fun, but I guess I will never know.

So as unhappy as I was to find out I wouldn‚Äôt have my car for a while, I was very happy to hear that it wasn‚Äôt her fault. So we sent it off to be repaired and things are fine. The car will return in “like new” condition‚Ķ so I am promised anyway. My wife on the other hand has become more of a crappy driver because she is scared. No problem though, I like to drive, so I will take her where ever she needs to go. So long as I am alive she will never drive me around, because I love her. If you want to know what to do about your wife wrecking your car‚Ķ pay attention darn it‚Ķ I said never let her drive! Really it can‚Äôt hurt. We may get lost, but at least we get there!