Your smile makes me smile. Your smile kills me. I hate your smile… because it kills me. There are many different variations of the smile.¬†

First, you have the fake smile. Almost always bad, the fake smile looks like a half smile yet with no heart behind it. It takes an above average smile spotter to recognize the difference between a half smile and a fake smile. Also it typically takes an informed view of the person flashing the smile. Sometimes the fake smile can be employed for politeness sake.

Next, there is the half smile. Not to be confused with the fake smile, the half smile is genuine but without the whole heart effort that is behind the beaming smile. A variation of the half smile is the three-quarter smile. I employ the three-quarter smile quite often as it is also genuine and mostly whole hearted. The half smile and three-quarter smile may or may not show teeth.

Next you have the smirk. The smirk can be both good and bad. A good smirk is usually accompanied by a twinkle in the eye and maintains closed lips. A bad smirk has a haughty look in the eyes and usually the lips are not as wide as the good smirk.

Finally, you have the beaming smile. A large, unabashed smile almost always showing teeth. Usually shows extreme joy, happiness, and delight. It is accompanied by shining eyes and glow of face. Usually women are better at the beaming smile than men, however, if executed correctly, a man can surpass the nicety of the beaming smile in women due to its rarity in men.

So take care with your smile. Smile and be smiled back at. You don’t always have to keep it in sight. Sometimes the best smiles are never seen.