There have been some hard times out there, and we here at wtda know all about them. I have been laid off before via email! It sucks and nobody should have to go through that, but we don’t live in a utopian society. We live here in the good ole U.S. of A and sometimes things are a little slow. So if you find yourself without a job and you have your back up against the wall then this article is for you.

Maybe you have had your gas shut off… maybe it was a different utility. Regardless, here are some ideas for things you can do to scrounge together some extra cash. Some of these things have been tested but most have not been. I trust you have common sense or at least know somebody who does. This will be helpful in NOT getting hurt or ending up in jail…again.

To Do’s
Odd jobs! – This will make money and save your physique after you lose your gym membership
Get Good At Poker – This maybe harder than it seems, along with learning poker you must attain some luck and that doesn’t come easy.
Collect Cans – Scrapping can bring in a good $2-300 a month if you hit it real hard.
Give Blood – Not to the silly community blood centers either, bag that stuff and sell it on your own. $6000.00 a pint is worth a few scares!

Title Loan – This can be bad in the event of a repo and you find yourself on AE looking for your dignity.
Sell Roses – This is a negative because you will get a nasty sunburn and you may lose a limb to a crazy driver. Neither will be good in the case of an interview.
Sell Yourself – There is no good reason to do this unless… well no! No good reason at all, besides you could get scurvy.

There is your non-comprehensive list of do’s and don’ts, so be wise and get your bills paid and take a nice long hot shower.