How do you approach eating out? Or dining out, if you prefer. I am not referring to spending money or where you eat, but what is your modus operandi?

My late grandpa, who we fittingly called Gramps, would walk into a restaurant like he owned the place. Sure, he might look at the menu, but then he would say, “give me a half dozen (insert whatever here)”. When he would visit our house, he would make my Dad go buy him beer. Mind you, at the time, my Dad was a pastor of a small church in a small town. If you knew my Dad you would laugh. I am laughing just thinking about it. My Gramps would take a little tiny juice glass and pour a little beer in it and drink it while cutting and eating pepperoncini peppers with a fork. He would do this in the morning. He was, as they say, “something else”. Who “they” are, and what the “something else” is, I don’t know. Needless to say, when eating out with Gramps, it could be quite the adventure.

On the other hand, I am not that way at all. When I eat out, I pretty much take it as it comes and then, if I didn’t like something, usually, I will not say anything. However, I will then never go back and make sure not to recommend it to anyone. Mind you, I do not do this because I am being gracious. Oh no, it is quite the opposite and more for the very reason that I do not want to give the restaurant a chance to redeem themselves. I just want them to lose business. I am done, I have had it, and they failed the test. I don’t need to write reviews or make big news, and I don’t want anyone to schmooze. Well, maybe sometimes schmooze. Ok not really.

So, I guess, different circumstances factor into your approach when eating out. When thinking about, what you should do about, your approach to eating out, perhaps consider some of the situations you may find yourself in. (I really wanted to say “yerself”, right there, but I didn’t). For example, if I receive something I didn’t order, then I will most definitely send it back and get what I ordered. So, I guess it depends. So many things in life depend.

Are you a finicky diner-outer? Do you leave comments and notes for the restaurant? Do you leave reviews online? Hmmmm?