Ladies, us men love you, everything about you. Your hourglass figure, your fruity smelling hair, your high heels, your knack for back rubs, your small hands, your brown eyes, your hairless backs, but when you can’t point north with a seconds notice it’s a buzz kill.

I mean beauty can only take you so far, but direction can take you anywhere. It makes the difference between a keeper and I am gonna throw this one back… er, or something like that.

I know you think you are smarter than most of us men, but I beg to differ, just because we can’t remember your birthday doesn’t mean we will die when we are lost in the wilderness. I mean if a dude and a chick were lost in the woods chances are the dude that can’t remember his moms middle name will get you home just fine because he knows the important stuff like… how to LIVE.

In case you are wondering, there are many ways to tell which way is north, and no ladies, it’s not the way you are facing.

First, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so unless you are lost in the north pole or the sun won’t be rising for a while, then you can place a stick in the ground and mark the top of the shadow then wait for 30 minutes then there you go. You can now see east and west, so north should not be a problem.

Second, if it is night, you have the north star. It’s the really bright one, but it’s not the brightest, I believe this title belongs to the Sirius. The north star is directly above the north pole and is at the top of the little dipper.

Now all of your problems are solved, you can go out tonight with confidence. With this knowledge you can pick up any dude, he will appreciate that you know your directions and care more about living than American Idol or Twilight. Put this to the test, learn your directions, then learn the names of the top five quarterbacks of all time followed by the top 3 fastest cars ever made and you too will be married in a matter of months.

Your welcome!