Many times, I weigh the weights of a situation or situations. Do you weigh the weights? What are the weights? Well, we are not going to discuss what the weights actually are, but, they are not physical weights… sorry Terry. The weights are immaterial, they are intangible.

So there you are, in a room full of people. Everyone is mingling and enjoying themselves and you are just joining the party. Soon, you have made your way to several groups and made your witty comments and talked your small talk. Ok, stop.

Next scenario. You are out to eat with your wife and two other couples, whom you do not know particularly well. You are at a new restaurant that boasts a prestigious reputation and there you are, taking in the sights and sounds.

During such times as these aforementioned situations, I am usually weighing the weights. Placing the weights on scales and balances in my mind and seeing how they even out. Now, now… I would not recommend having uneven scales to start with, because in that case, you are only cheating yourself.

Granted, it would be wise for you to weigh the weights in all sorts of situations. You may be all alone in your room staring at the ceiling, and you may need to seriously balance your scale and weigh the weights. I wouldn’t want you to think that you only need to weigh the weights when other people are around. It is just that, normally, the weights are more complex and heavier when other people are around.

First, I would recommend taking an evening as an experiment in weighing the weights. Think through what the weights are that you want to weigh. How do they differ relative to each other? Which weights are of a higher priority?

Also, remember, you have bad weights and good weights, which is why you are weighing them on the scale in the first place. Also, actions you take throughout the situation or circumstance can alter the weights and thereby the scales. That is a good thing.

So, really, this brief bit of writing is just an admonishment to start weighing the weights. Having said that, and telling you, that is what I think you should do, it is also the same as evaluating yourself, in that, it is not very accurate unless you have an excellent outside standard to compare to. That is, you need an outside source to show you the weights, or, as I just mentioned, to show you yourself. So, I guess I could just say that you must have a balanced scale. You need to zero your scale. You are not your own best judge to balance your scale. Have someone else do it.