Hot weather and sweaty, ahem, make me want to get wet, and wet we shall get. I have been plotting a huge water war with some little jerks for about a month now. So when I got home from work one hot day in July and saw them playing with the water hose I knew it was time.

I carefully filled up about ten water balloons and made my way over to the tree. Now for you to understand how this went down you will need to know some things. First, I have a house on a corner lot with a long privacy fence on the south side. This strategic positioning will aid me in my attempt to blow the wet and wild minds. In the corner of the property behind the fence is a big maple tree. This maple tree is very climbable and also branches out over the street more than half the way.

The plot thickens. I have been hoping for these dudes to get close enough to my side so that I could nail them with the hose from the tree. The time soon comes and my waiting finally pays off. They back themselves into a corner like a frightened turtle in its shell. I climbed the tree and made it all the way to the center of the road about twenty feet up. I now have a radius of about forty feet. There is no escaping me with a water hose; I believe at one time I backed them up to their front door. What was even better than me in the tree, raining water down on them, was the fact that they could not get me at all. They where trying to get me with their hose and every time they sprayed at me the water would just hit the first couple of branches and then fall right back down on them. This was a helpful one-two punch of water and made it much more enjoyable.

This battle went on between me and the four little rascals for about fifteen minutes. One of them finally got up the courage to come over to my side and kink my hose. This could have been the end of the fight except for two things. First, I have trained my three old son well, with a bucket of water and my water balloons. Second, I was in the tree against an eight-year-old child, all I had to do was pull the hose really hard out of his hands and presto I have water back. This was enough to give my son a chance to hit him with a balloon in the face… after which he got him with the bucket of water.

The battle raged on for a couple of minutes until one young tyke went and turned off the hose. So I got out of the tree as fast as I could and tried to escape. This is when I was chased out to my front yard and they were on me like a cop on a donut. I received my soaking in good fun like all the others; it was a pretty hot day. When I had enough I made my way over to the boy with the hose and over powered him… then they all jumped on top of me. This is when I found a goods opportunity to rap them all up with their garden hose and tie it just tight enough so that I can get away. I went back to my house and got my bucket full of water and went over there and dumped it right over top of them. Why? Because there is nothing more fun than picking on the 4 young boys that run my neighborhood. It’s a little lesson on who is really in charge and a bit of an ego boost right? Well, maybe not, but fun nonetheless.

Happy water-fighting.