My Sunday afternoon tradition during the fall and winter months is kicking back with friends and family and watching football all day long. I prefer watching football on Sundays mainly because I prefer the NFL over college football which is mostly played on Saturdays. It is quite enjoyable to sit in your favorite chair or on a comfy couch and watch people smash into each other all day long. When you are watching your favorite team surrounded by great friends and family it creates a great atmosphere of camaraderie, especially when your team is playing well.

I thought I would go over a few things one can do to make their Sunday afternoon experience more enjoyable:

The first would be eat a good lunch before hand so that you can focus on the game. This will make you less moody while watching the game(s), and if your team is getting killed AND you are hungry that will ruin the experience. If your team is getting killed and you have just had an amazing lunch you will at least feel some contentment.

Second, do not watch games with screaming youngsters in the vicinity if possible, I understand that sometimes this is unavoidable, but if you have little kids maybe arrange for nap time to coincide with the opening kickoff. I do not like major distractions when I am watching my team play, when I am watching other teams I am less strict about potential distractions.

Thirdly, celebrate and cheer your team on. It’s ok to yell things such as “Yeah!” Go go go go!” and “That’s what I’m talkin’ about!”, bump chests (if its two dudes), give high fives, and sing your teams fight song or chant (especially if it’s the “Who Dey!” chant), this makes watching the game and the whole experience much more exciting. I even think smack talk is cool when you have friends watching together that may be cheering for different teams as long as there is not someone who is overly competitive doing it, sometimes it can get annoying if overdone.

So next Sunday, get your friends together, have a cookout, grill some weanies, put the kids to bed and cheer your team on!