chick flickWhat to do about watching chick flicks? You mean besides yelling, screaming, and running for the door? Well, in case you don’t know. Those are all very rookie mistakes. Noob.

First, we are assuming you are watching the flick with a chick… because… let’s be serious, why else would you be watching it. You see fellas, you still want to be around the girl. Who else is going to cook your food and do the laundry? So, you just need to be prepared ahead of the time for the chick flick. There are several things that can get you through a chick flick unscathed and actually allow you to have a good time.

1) A large mug and beer.
2) Food (obvious)
3) Earbuds so you can have one ear (the one opposite your lady friend) listening to music or sports (make it as unobtrusive as possible, like put the wire down your shirt).
4) A foot rest.
5) Knowing that by watching the flick you get leverage for the next movie pick.

Some additional tips which can prove invaluable:

1) Lull your lady friend to sleep and when she eventually gives in you can fast forward the movie or watch sports… always be ready to switch it back to the movie.
2) A planned emergency call from a buddy if things go south (a good way to cue this is a code word via texting).
3) Note certain phrases in the movie that are romantic so that you can woo her with them later… or discuss them and show that you were attentive.
4) If you decide you don’t like the girl in the middle of the movie, then just start crying and say “It’s just too much, it brings back too many memories” and then walk out.

These are just a few ways we here at have learned. If you have any expertise to share, please do not hold back your wisdom. I hope that this has enlightened you… be brave… oh be brave.