I believe this article will turn out to be one of the most important What To Do About’s I have ever written. It happens all the time. I will be sitting there thinking about something and I will think ” I just don’t know what to do about it.” That is how this site came about. Me thinking “What should I do about that”. Well, lately, I have been wondering what to do about wahalligans. I think I have finally figured it out so now I am ready to write about it.

It’s easy to be scared by a wahalligan. When they come through the wall and fly at you, typically, the response is to shriek in utter horror. I would advise against this. If you take the time to speak calmly to them and look at them… you will see that they are friendly furry little creatures. They just want a friend.

I would advise having some cookies and milk ready and at your disposal… wahalligans love cookies and milk. They are much like WTDATerry… they love to get some cookies in the middle of the night.

If you spend enough time with them you will eventually start to get a grasp of their silly way of communicating. Sometimes they will go “wooeee, wooeee” which expresses their delight and happiness… usually when you give them cookies they make this sound. Other times they will make a low grunt followed by a swoosh of their wings. From what I have seen this is when they come across something new or are unsure of what they should do… then they make this sound and look at each other.

Wahalligans are quickly fading and could soon become extinct if protective measures are not taken. So many people are blinded by fear that they cannot see the good in wahalligans. It’s like so many other things in life where our fear of the unknown causes us to miss out on so much good.

So go hug a wahalligan today. You’ll be glad you did!