Barack Obama is running for president. President of the United States of America. For some reason, Barack just doesn’t come off well with me. I mean don’t get me wrong, I think he is a great speaker, has a great personality, and has some charm. He just strikes me as a politician. I feel the same way about John McCain… but I will get to him later. I think I like politicians who don’t strike me as politicians.
You know what I am talking about though? The say anything for the public type of person. That was one of the things I really like about George Bush‚Ķ and yeah I really like George Bush. The other day I heard him call unexpectedly into a radio station along with his dad (Bush 41) and his younger brother (Jeb Bush). He is the kind of guy I would like to hang out with…. go fishing, throw football, play golf (if I played), and have a beer with. He isn‚Äôt articulate by any means. In fact sometimes when he speaks you are afraid of how things are gonna come out…. but I have some friends like that‚Ķ and they are great people.
So back to Barack. So that first issue… the first impression we shall call it… is nothing too big… it is just surface and gut instinct on my part. So beyond that let’s examine the issues… for my sake. First off, I am a believer in limited government. I do not see the government as the answer to my personal problems or the problems of society. That is what I love about the founding of the United States. It is based on freedom. Freedom from the government’s control in your life. So that is my first and biggest disagreement with Barack. He does not advocate in any way, shape, or form a more limited government… in fact he, along with Hilary (there is not much policy difference between them… just Barack is much cooler) would continue to expand the size of government and its intrusion into our lives.
Moving on. Because of this limited government view I disagree with Barack’s view on gun control and the right to bear arms. I disagree with his view on health care, I disagree with his view on economics. I find it ridiculous to hear all the talk of recession when we are not in a recession. I understand most people are not educated as to what a recession is (a decline in GDP for two or more consecutive quarters), but that is still no excuse to just believe whatever they are told. In fact the economy grew by a reasonable 3.3% in the second quarter of 2008. Also, the average unemployment rate under President Bush has been lower (5.197) than under President Clinton (5.205). Also, the average poverty rate is lower as North Shore Journal reports. Check it.
Also, while I think Barack has some decent ideas with regard to tax cuts… overall they are poor. Since the top 50% of achievers in monetary terms pay about 97% of the taxes… it makes sense to cut their taxes in order to spur the economy. They are the ones achieving, producing, and providing jobs for people like me… and you. I agree with Barack (and several candidates) that the income tax system needs to be redone. I do not think that achieving more in monetary terms should be turned into a disincentive via the tax code. As far as the tax code goes I agree with Alan Keyes on this issue… more on him later too.
Affirmative action is another area that I disagree with Obama. I think it is wise to have a diversity of races and backgrounds in order for success, but I do not think there should be quotas to decide who gets what job on the basis of race. That only makes the divide greater. Growing up with a minority father, I often heard stories and saw the effects of discrimination and how that affected my dad and how it still does. I do think people of all races and colors should be helped to the opportunity.  I think they should be treated equally.
The things mentioned above are about half of my problem with Barack and they stem from a foundational view of life that I hold as a Christian. That is not to say that a Christian couldn’t or shouldn’t vote for Barack. I just know that I cannot reconcile the two personally. Issues like legislating morality (the idea of legislation is based on morality), abortion, same sex marriage and/or civil unions, and racism. Nothing Barack says lends me to vote for him in any way. I just hear platitudes and promises… but for a politician, what’s new right? I know there will never be perfect candidates and I know that some people vote for the lesser of two evils… I just don’t want to.
At the end of the day, my ideas and foundational thought about the constitution, that is, the supreme law of our land, is almost completely different from Barack’s and therefore I cannot vote for him. Having said that, I don’t think I can vote for McCain either… but now Sarah Palin… woa.
More to come here on What To Do About. More come here. More here to come. More will come here. Here is more. Or maybe… There is more.
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A very smart and well articulated answer to a question that people don't ask, they base their choice on their feelings.
My problem with Obama is his military strategy is to WITHDRAW from any problems from enemies foreign or domestic. He's using the war in Iraq as his trump card to get those crazies to vote for him. Well those people would throw there arms up if Hitler attacked the states. The reason why I like McCain/Palin is because they're not ashamed to see there kids fight in the war. I have many other issues why I like or dislike each hopeful. But being in the military it takes more than raising your right arm or signing a piece of paper. Believe me I did it twice.
My problem with Obama is his military strategy is to WITHDRAW from any problems from enemies foreign or domestic. He's using the war in Iraq as his trump card to get those crazies to vote for him. Well those people would throw there arms up if Hitler attacked the states. The reason why I like McCain/Palin is because they're not ashamed to see there kids fight in the war. I have many other issues why I like or dislike each hopeful. But being in the military it takes more than raising your right arm or signing a piece of paper. Believe me I did it twice.