I have talked to you all about coffee before and the fact that I enjoy it is obvious. What make me very mad about getting coffee anywhere else than from my own house is the fact that it is BLOODY HOT!

Warm coffee, great. Cold coffee, good. Undrinkably hot coffee, well it makes me outright mad. I mean there is nothing like paying $2.50 for a really good cup o’ joe and then not be able to drink it for about 45 minutes. It burns me up… er, well you get it right?

I want to drink my coffee and not use it to strip paint or boil noodles, just a sip and then AhAhAh! I burn my tongue, this makes me curse and want to beat the sweater wearing hippie who served me this boiling lava. I mean I don’t want to kill my throat with this molten rock, I want to enjoy it.¬†

Why do we need to make it so hot? It doesn’t need to be sterile does it? I mean can we just use filtered water? What is the deal with hot coffee?

I had some that was so hot that I swore the cardboard cup was melting, I could smell the cup and it stank!¬† Later, when I was finally able to drink it, it tasted like cardboard. If it’s too hot to hold it in your hand then you shouldn’t put it in your mouth.¬†

So I honestly don’t have an idea for what to do about hot coffee, this is where you come in. I need you to help me, I need suggestions of coffee shops that don’t boil their coffee. Or maybe a good reason why the coffee is so hot. Really I will listen I just need answers!