Sleep is good, I like it. Sleep makes me feel nice… real nice. I like to sleep at night, it seems really natural, going to bed at dark, I think most people would agree. Everyone that is except some of you crazy night owls that stay up till the wee hours of the morning, you’re crazy!
My kids are crazy too, they are always screaming and crying at night like the house is going to burn down. I thought this would go away after a couple of years but to no avail. My 1 year old is still learning that we sleep at night and not play, he is young and gets a free pass. But the 5 year old
is going to end up sleeping outside with the fishes, seriously.
Getting me out of bed is a chore, but when you get a kick to the kidney from the wife, you get up real quick. it’s like being kicked by a mule with heels on. Once I go upstairs the boy freezes and lays back down before I can say anything. That is unless he is having a bad dream and then I have to shake him to wake him up and then he doesn’t know what happened. The whole things is driving me nuts, he only cries because he know his mom will come up stairs and hold him. I will not do that, you see night time is for sleeping… not yelling.
I am exploring my options for this problem, it is unique and it needs a different type of answer. I am thinking about putting a bed in the basement with a tennis ball on a chain to stick in the boys mouth. No? Was that wrong? Should I not have said that?
I have another idea! We can make him sleep in the closet, that way we can’t hear him scream, but I guess that does not solve the problem now does it?
What if I got him one of the barking dog collars that gives you a slight shock after you make a sound? That would work, don’t you think? Yes, I know it would be inhumane, but so is waking the whole house because you have to pee.
If you think of a way to take care of this problem then I am all ears, but you better hurry before I lose the rest of my hearing from these screaming kids. I could have sworn they were boys…