I love this fair city of Nashville, but it has a few downsides. Aside from being pretty cool with the night life and the music there are a lot of trains. This may explain why Jonny Cash was always singing about a trains a comin… or something, I don’t really know.

I live south of town by a huge train depot, where trains are coming and going. We have a stop for GM and Tractor Supply so there are always train breaks and the occasional bumping of the cars. The bumping doesn’t happen often but when it does everyone hits the deck looking for the tank that just shot out that shell. We all get up and realize it was just the trains hitting each other… again.

The squeaky breaks are enough to make you nuts, always making noise all night and all day. It sounds like someone is scraping their nails across a very long chalkboard over and over again.

I was north of town the other day and I was standing there with some friends and there it was again… another train horn. Just today I was 15 miles from town over by the lake and heard another train horn blaring. Last week we were sitting in a class at church (20 minutes south of town) and there was a train moving across the street on the edge of the parking lot and it was really loud. It was so much so that we were trying to ignore it but it was like trying not to acknowledge a semi in your front yard blowing the horn over and over.

I can’t think of anything else in this city that annoys me more, other than maybe the traffic. Trains are cool… but really? Everywhere I go there is a train blowing a horn! I am at a loss when it comes to this problem because I like the city a lot. I can even get over the crazy fans that get all nuts when they see Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban. Hey! I think I just solved my own problem! Whenever I hear a train horn I will think about how ridiculous these people are. Thank you what to do about readers for solving my problem! This is the greatest article ever!