Sorry I missed last weeks post, sometimes I sit down and choose to be lazy and not post this weekly article you’ve grown accustom to.

Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “great leg workout- running up and down stairs with bags of groceries in high, high heels” – (I think I’ll try that, just need to find some heels to borrow.)
2.) “When I left the shower I drew a smiley face in the steam on the mirror. And when I saw it looking back at me I knew it was going to be ok.”
3.) “in Nashville. Show at the Rutledge… Then crashing? Maybe…” – (Will your insurance cover it?)
4.) “in studio with Seabird (@seabirdmusic)…they are working on last two songs. they sound amazing.” – (One of my favorite bands!)
5.) “”Too legit. Too legit to quit. Hey HAY!”
6.) “Just finished doing a merch count. Counted about 450 slap bracelets and then lost my count and had to restart. Fail.” – (You should count them by slapping them on something (or someone). That’d be fun.)
7.) “looking for my flippie-floppies…” – (You gonna be on a boat soon?)
8.) “Dear Sage Carlie sofa, I will be sitting on you in 2-6 weeks. Please arrive to my house quickly. Ask for Austin.” – (Ok, but lay off the beanie weanies, deal?)
9.) “Saw a cheerleader finish running and then hock a loogie. Is that normal?” – (That’s awesome.)
10.) “to me, reduced fat is code that means “you can eat twice as much.”

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