Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “Today I strolled into a Banana Republic store and King Kong was playing on an overhead TV. I was tempted to monkey around.” – (I wanna be a man, mancub, And stroll right into town, And be just like the other men, I’m tired of monkeyin’ around!)
2.) “i’m taking some time off from the internet, for the next two days, so, sorry if anyone tries to get a hold of me here…” – (I took about 10 hours from the internet today.)
3.) “Perfect example as to why not to send an “F no” text to your boss. Audrey just sent it accidentally to 18 people.” – (Thanks for the reminder.)
4.) “Cloud nine gets all the publicity, but cloud eight actually is cheaper, less crowded, and has a better view…..”
5.) “met a new friend in the library from Nigeria and talked for two hours rather than doing homework. This is why I don’t get anything done.” – (I wish I could go to a library from Nigeria.)
6.) “Having the couple that I will be marrying this weekend over for dinner tonight. Looking forward to the wedding. They are both great.” – (That’s messed up!)
7.) “working on my juggling and magic. there will be no treats for halloween kids this year. only tricks.”
8.) “BTW, ate some giant “rat” in Colombia. It tasted like spear ribs. Just found out that it’s on the endangered list. Wow.” – (Rodents of unusual size, I don’t think they exist. Apparently they do!)
9.) “Somebody teach me Italian real quick.” – (I’d like to learn as well, if someone wants to teach Italian you will at least have two students here in Nashville.)
10.) “would like someone to come over and make her dinner. :)” – (Why would you want someone to eat you?!)

Alright, peace out my brothers and sisters! “And when I say brother, I don’t mean, like, an actual brother, but I mean it like the way black people use it. Which is more meaningful I think.”

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