Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “Any seniors need senior portraits?” – (I’ll ask my grandma and get back to you.)
2.) “I believe in the near future people will be hired as “researchers” to sift through our entire online history & file it. Down to the last LOL” – (I wonder who will have the last laugh, out loud that is.)
3.) “hanging in Virginia Beach…. looks like rain. boo!” – (Did they catch the guy who did it?)
4.) “My first ever tie in fantasy football.” – (Yes, I over dressed.)
5.) “waiting for husband…ready for a yummy dinner!!” – (You’re gonna eat your husband?!?!?!)
6.) “I think women should bring back the shoulder pads. I mean, come on! What says I am sexy, yet powerful, better than shoulder pads?” – (That would probably just get me excited for football season faster.)
7.) “Ok, so I get up from the computer chair for one minute, and come back to find a big pile of poop on the chair. Guess who didn’t use the potty again?” – (You couldn’t feel that? weird.)
8.) “needs to change his socks! eeeeew.” – (swampfoot?)
9.) “your donuts make me go nuts!” – (At least you are not a squirrel that is trying to find a nut.)
10.) ” why’s everyone so excited about fall? I mean I love it too but I was hoping not to have to see it til like, November. Why are we greeting it? why are we sending it shout outs?”

Alright, peace out! (I was not saying “peace out” to summer but rather to you, the reader.)

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