Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below. Do not read them!

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “”vacation is over. what a HUGE drag.” – (Glad that vacation is over.)
2.) “Moderating a fantasy football draft for my wife and all her girlfriends. This should be entertaining.” – (How much you wanna bet Tom Brady gets picked 1st?)
3.) “Who invited you?” – (I’ll take this opportunity to ask who was the first person to invite you to visit ?)
4.) “2 days down and 2 to go…anyone going to creed concert friday???” – (No one responded.)
5.) “New The Glorious Unseen is out today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” – (Go get it!)
6.) “Thanks Plaxico. If I shot myself in the leg and had to go to jail for it I would feel like an idiot too.” – (And he used to play for the Steelers.)
7.) “Alrighty so… that’s one tuck and one no-tuck.” – (Name the episode.)
8.) “I have two tickets to the bengals game thursday…anyone interested!?!” – (Anytime anyone has tickets to any Bengals game, donate them to WTDA (or me) and I will write an article featuring you.)
9.) When you wake up, write down a “to do” / “task list” for the day…you will see yourself get some stuff done!!! Works for me at least. – (“That little list that hangs over your head and wishes defeat upon you in your conquest of crossing off continual conquerings within your concave of time. The to-do list seems like a simple written ‚Äúnothing‚Äù, but once life is breathed into it, it becomes a monster. Much like many humans.“)
10.) “The Most Interesting Man in the World is not scared of clowns. Not one bit.”

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