Hey everyone! Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve! Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.)¬†”To the lovely human who ran into the side of my car and drove off, Merry Christmas.” – (One girl then commented: “May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the offender’s crotch.” I think I’ll be staying out of her way.)
2.)¬†”believes her world has started to crumble at a very quick pace and my heart has been broken.. :(” – (This is what happens when someone finds out Santa Clause isn’t real.)


3.)¬†”Colder than a well diggers knee.”
4.)¬†”don’t be fooled. it may have 0g of trans fat but there are still 100g of regular fat.” – (A good reminder to all of us around this holiday season, although I prefer regular over trans myself.)
5.)¬†”Roaring fire, espn, listening to dating advice going on in the kitchen …. priceless.”
6.)¬†”Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve!” – (And Happy New Years Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve Eve!)
7.)¬†”What is the purpose in forcing the American people to purchase health insurance? What’s the point?” – (No one knows.)
8.) “thinks it’s cold and wet in Idaho tonight. Time for Holiday Inn and dinner!” – (Let me guess, potatoes for dinner?)


9.)¬†”Come on Sabres…don’t let these Leafs get you!” – (Leafs, talk about wussy team names!)
10.) “Live simply…. so someone can simply live”

Happy Christmas Eve Eve Eve Eve!

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