Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “the day is already crap….. i don’t have any motivation to even put pants on at this point.” – (Glad the day is not in your pants or else you would have crapped your pants without even putting them on.)
2.) “its snowing! …in another state.” – (And it smells like cheese …somewhere in Wisconsin.)
3.) “WTDA & MNF” – (Are you ready for some What To Do About?! It’s a Monday night party! We got Terry, Tim, and Nate’s gonna get it kick started!)
4.) “taking care of business.” – (working overtime.)
5.) “I love places that you can yell as loud as you want!” – (So you love being buried alive?)
6.) “New business cards arrive tomorrow! Big thanks to Jena M!” – (Way to tell everyone that already knows you.)
7.) “Santa!!!!! I know him!!!”

8.) “Takn Ezra to the brusselsprout factory. ahaha!” – (And then to the peanut gallery I assume?)
9.) “So, there’s a bunch of stuff in my closet that I want to get rid of.”
10.) “Every breathing human. “The God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all our ways, you have not honored” (Dan. 5:23).”

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