I don’t feel the suns coming out today
It’s staying in, its gonna find another way
As I sit here in this misery…
” ok I’ll stop singing Change by Blind Melon
Yeah, it’s been a rainy day here in Music City, would love for the sun to come back out, I hope it finds a way.


Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “I just saw a woman walking a wolf down gower!” – (No way! Really?!?!?! You actually saw a woman? That’s soooo cool!)
2.) “When leaving your window cracked to air out your car, from leaving the window cracked during a storm, remember it rains more than once.” – (But then you can also leave your window cracked more than twice. There are no limits.)
3.) “George…what’s wrong?! my motha caught me..!”
4.) “is rocking my sick baby boy and catching up on fb.” – (I’ve never heard of that band before. My Sick Baby Boy, I’ll have to check them out.)
5.) “Say Anything” – (supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)
6.) “Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world as much as adversity has.”
7.) “just arrived at the christian meat market…” – (Did you see any Veggie Tales?)
8.) “loves the fact her Mum is now on Facebook but must remember to watch her language – no more arsehole statuses! ;-)” – (Yeah because she might wash out your keyboard with soap! That wouldn’t be good.)
9.) “further seems forever” – (the moon is down)
10.) “just saw the following on a church billboard & love it… “God did not go on vacation & leave you in control””

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