So it took me a really long time today to put this blog post together, which means that there were a lot of really lame Facebook statuses being posted by my friends. However, I do not judge my friends by the quality of their Facebook status.
Today’s best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.
(names will remain anonymous)
1.) “there’s something about an Arby’s “Roastburger” that terrifies me.” – (There nothing about an Arby’s Roastburger that gives me peace.)
2.) “”You can’t stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” ~ Winnie the Pooh” – (Pooh brings people together.)
3.) “The bassist from The Chariot just told me that he’s the mascot for the Kansas City Chiefs. So good! Go to YouTube and search KC Wolf. Haha” – (Or just click here.)
4.) “Alaska has 33,000 miles of coastline. THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND.” – (What a random yet informative post.)
5.) ” listening to “The Moon Is Down” and feeling good. :)” – (Yes, such a great album, reading this status made me feel good.)
6.) “So 2009 is 50% completed…hope the back half will be as good as the first half has been.” – (That’s what I usually say when eating an organic uncured beef hotdog.)
7.) “Still sick but that steroid pill really seems to beat the crap out of the bronchitis. Might almost feel better tomorrow.”
8.) “is celebrating 2 years of marriage today! I love you, Alex, and I have loved the last 731 days as your wife!” – (So either one year was a leap year or the first day wasn’t good.)
9.) “Just had a fire drill at work and they gave us POPSICLES!” – (If they were from Las Paletas I would wanna have a fire drill every day!)
10.) “nothing is on my mind” – (but what are you thinking?)
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