Ok, chill out people! I know I have not posted a “Top 10 Facebook Statuses” post in a while…I’ve been quite busy doing more important things. Things like riding my bike, taking photos, sneezing, wrecking my car, texting, and blowing my nose. I think all of those things combined make for a valid excuse.

Anyways, so how have you been? Good, good.

Today’s best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “Pretentious people aren’t nearly as cool as I am…”
2.) “oh the conversations of high school girls…..oh thank you universe to allowing me to hear such amazing things”
3.) “shyeah, I know, sometimes you are more than even I can handle!”
4.) “A lot of people ate at my house tonight. I love it. Bands, anytime you come to Nash, look me up and I’ll make sure to feed you.”
5.) “I will do a pull up I will do a pull up I will do a pull up” – (Did you do three pull ups?)
6.) “Hit “like” if you miss me!” – (Over 43,000 people have hit “like” so far, can you guess who this is?)
7.) “Tour is fast approaching. Currently excepting ideas for getting into trouble in your area… check dates, holla back” – (Guess the band.)
8.) “2+2=3 for real do the math!”
9.) “I’m so adjective! I verb nouns!”
10.) “smoke life” – (Stick that (life) in your pipe and smoke it!)

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