Today‚Äôs best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below. It’s a windy and cloudy day out here in Nashville today, at least it’s getting warmer and spring is just around the corner. Corners are really annoying though, they always get in the way.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “just had a 5 guys burger…mmmmm.” – (Eeeeeeew, that sounds gross!! You cannibal.)
2.) “it’s windy outside. I kind of want to blow away.” – (It’s windy in Nashville too, maybe your wind will blow you here and then one of us can catch you so that our wind doesn’t blow you to Georgia.)
3.) “feels like the only tree in the kennel.” – (Well at least you’re not feeling like the only dog in the forest.)
4.) “Aaahhhhh. Sunshine makes my heart smile.” – (Your heart has a bad attitude sometimes.)
5.) “likes chips in a sandwich and dipping fries in a frosty…who’s with me?” – (I’m with you on chips in the sandwich…huh, let me rephrase that…I mean, I also like chips in my sandwich. You’re on your own with the fries in the frosty though. Maybe someone will knock the cup over so you can get out.)
6.) “Free Chipotle is the best Chipotle.” – (I can’t argue with this.)
7.) “Do not leave PF Changs leftovers in your trunk.” – (Oh ok, I’ll just put it in my trunk right after I buy it then. Thanks.)
8.) “wants to go to the beach and jump in the ocean to feel alive.” – (Me too! But I’ll have to settle for hopping in the shower.)
9.) “‘s always one foot on the ground.” – (Is the other in your mouth, or did you shoot it again? Wait, is your first name Plaxico?)
10.) “without building a family, a resume, or a bank account, I am very, very happy, and very, very thankful.”

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