Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “visiting my happy place.” – (Find a happy place, find a happy place.)
2.) “Not watching Twilight with Charles and Travis right now or anything like that…” – (As someone else suggested, a gay button would come in handy here.)
3.) “someone googled my name yesterday. and it wasn’t me…” – (Everybody reading this search for Rebecca Cicione on google.)
4.) “I can see out and you can see in.” – (You in jail again?)
5.) “One my daffodils bloomed today!!!” – (Was that really facebook status worthy? I think not.)
6.) “Life needs more cupcakes. Make desserts, not war.”

7.) “gravity. Stay the hell away from me.” – (Been nice knowing ya.)
8.) “So apparently we cant take off because they are repairing the wing of our airplane. If I die, please know that I’m grateful for everything.”
9.) “Working on my writing skills for” – (There it is in writing folks.)
10.) “Get er done.” – (And we’re done here.)

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