Today’s best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below. Keep in mind that today is a spring-like Thursday here in middle Tennessee, I am aware you may not be in Tennessee reading this and it also may not be Thursday where you are.
(names will remain anonymous)
1.) “after-lunch breakdance. free singles! and i mean, free music. not kraft cheese!” – (I thought you meant dates, free dates, those are rarely free…unfortunately.)
2.) “why is white wonderbread like straight up CRACK ?” – (because it’s wonderbread dude, duh.)
3.) “is peanut M&M’s :).” – (I always thought you were a bit nutty! j/k, j/k!)
4.) “…People of Twitteronia, call me & leave a message (615) 866-6253 I want to hear from you :0).” – (Call this guy, you will not regret it, just do it!)
5.) “is excited for mallon time tomorrow.” – (As you should be!)
6.) “is saying good bye to the impala and hello to the c230.” – (What did the impala say after you said good bye?)
7.) “is happy its raining! I hope theres lightning too!!!” – (I love the optimism.)
8.) “is looking forward to a large latte.” – (Well latte freakin’ da!)
9.) “feels like listening to backstreet boys. seriously. :-).” – (me too. not seriously. :))
10.) “Treating myself to a huge Boston Stoker latte.” – (Latte freakin’ da again!)
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