The Top 10 Facebook Statuses post is back to it’s normal routine, I hope. Lots of people seem to be sick and talking about the swine flu, I think it’s all psychological. Anyways, today‚Äôs best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “if you think you can stop a fire ball, then crash into me”
2.) “thinks he should create a “how to load a dishwasher boot camp” anyone have one of those roomates?” – (Tim has already provided some great curriculum for this, check it here.)
3.) “Time to run some errands…and by ‘run’ I mean drive. Pshh!” – (Reminds me of how I like to hop in the shower.)
4.) “People talk entirely too much about what they are doing or going to do. Talking rarely promotes progress.” – (We at What To Do About are HUGE progress promoters! Don’t you agree?)
5.) “‘nothing’ is the stuff that rocks dream about. ~ Aristotle”
6.) “How to avoid receiving germs: “I’d shake your hand but I may have the swine flu.”
7.) “is barfing butterflies.” – (I noticed this person also has a friend that poops rainbows…I kinda want to hang out with these peeps.)
8.) “Husband? Wait a minute! What was all that one-in-a-million talk?” – (So you’re saying there’s a chance!?)
9.) “My thoughts on the swine flu (since everyone is talking about it) is that the flu will evolve and turn the infected into flesh eating Zombies. If that is the case, then my family and I are going rogue…nice knowing all of you”
10.) “Good news is the dress fits. Bad news is I have no more limbs to sell.” – (You could actually probably still sell your torso, but then someone else would technically be wearing your dress, yeah forget about that.)

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