Today‚Äôs best Facebook statuses currently being used by my friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below. Spring is here, April is near, and love is in the air. I don’t know why I just said that.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) “lot to do today….laundry, dishes, wipe a rear end here and there, and get rid of one little white dog!” – (Can you just wipe it there and not here?)
2.) “Band jamming better not interfere with the Duke game tonight…” – (Hey man, how come there are no people at the Duke game? Oh, because my band was jamming out across the street.)
3.) “is fully embracing her infatuation with Michael Jackson today, surgery, molestation charges and all.” – (I don’t know what to say.)
4.) “says the new Depeche Mode Single, “Wrong,” is oh-so right.” – (I like to say “Ohright!” But we do live in a time where wrong is called right.)
5.) “comes with his challenges.” – (Don’t we all.)
6.) “Peanut Butter & Chocolate brownies are in the oven. Thank you, baby!” – (Smart kid.)
7.) “I get the privelidge of spending a week in mai wife’s arms……” – (She must have some really strong arms!!)
8.) “Any boys out there that know how to get a lawn mower up and running?” – (I’ve really gotta see this!! Maybe it can run in the Nashville half marathon.)
9.) “is ready for a nappy nap after this stupid ass class” – (Drink a cold glass and take a nap in the grass by a Sassafras after your stupid ass class…I hope you pass (the class, not gas)!)
10.) “Recession??? What recession?” – (I refuse to participate in the recession.)

And todays bonus status was actually posted last week:

11.) “found out that koalas and humans are the only animals with unique fingertips. Thank you snapple!”

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