The date is 2/22 and I hope your wish comes true.
But you say I’ll know before you do…And I hope your right.

Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.

(names will remain anonymous)

1.) is trying to find her stride again. Left right left right… – (Sounds like John Kerry trying to make up his mind to me.)
2.) “One day I will travel to Mt Dew and build a aluminum cabin by it’s caffeinated river”
3.) “I just rescued a one-eyed baby bird! Holy cow! ha My day=made! :)” – (Sounds like you rescued a “holy bird” to me.)
4.) “Why can’t I eat food without spilling it all over myself?!?” – (Maybe you make it taste better!? You should rub food all over yourself before serving it to guests, you might be on to something!)
5.) Did you know that you can use the word “burger” as a suffix on almost any word and it makes it much, much better? – (What To Do Aboutburger…sounds good, I’ll have that!)
6.) “I really really really really want a cupcake.” – (You must want yourself then Cupcake!)
7.) “How can a fragrance be “voluptuous”? That doesn’t even make sense” – (If more people buy it I think it’ll make a lot of cents.)
8.) “How would you like a giant pencil upside yo HEAD”

9.) “If you’re lucky enough to be at the beach you’re lucky enough.”
10.) “The American dream can be poisonous”

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