Todays best Facebook statuses currently being used by our friends (on Facebook that is) are listed below.
(names will remain anonymous)
1.) “I am going to drop a flying elbow on this day.”
2.) “COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE” – (buzz buzz buzz. And one of the best ice cream flavors ever made might be Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz Buzz.)
3.) “Dear why does your website say you over charged me by $1500 ?? Just curious.” – (“Maybe they combined your Hannah Montana and Disney Princess on Ice tickets together?” – some other person on Facebook)
4.) “Thankful, thankful, thankful. …and happy. and thankful.” – (You would think you would be more happy being so thankful and all.)
5.) “christmas music makes me jolly” – (As long as it doesn’t make you a green giant as well.)
6.) “oh hamburgers!” – (oh peaches!)
7.) “Today I spilled Cheerios all over the kitchen floor. I called my dog into the room to help me clean them up. We got away with it.” – (dude, I do that all time, sometimes I add milk too.)
8.) “Come on Denver.” – (The Broncos were playing the Squealers at the moment of this status post.)
9.) “i’ve got some openings today, five dollars off, come in.” – (Some services shouldn’t be offered on Facebook.)
10.) There is no #10 because the article is titled “What To Do About TODAY‚ÄôS TOP 9 FACEBOOK STATUSES 11/09/09”.
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